During the last two months of the Master of Data Science- Computational Linguistics program (May & June each year), our students work in teams of 3-5 students with an external capstone partner and a UBC mentor to address a question facing the capstone partner’s organization using data science.
The Capstone course is one the most important part of the MDS-CL program and an invaluable experience for our students and their career development.
It also provided amazing insights and benefits to our Capstone Partner Organizations. You can read more about how capstone projects can benefit your organization here and read some of our previous success stories here. The capstone program is free for partner organizations to participate in but requires a point person who is willing to meet regularly with the students and offer guidance.
Applications for capstone projects are typically open from September-November.
Important pages
- For more information on becoming a partner, see our partner information page.
- For guidelines on submitting a proposal, see our proposal page.
- For various important dates and deadlines, see our timeline page.
- For information about how we handle confidentiality and intellectual property assignment (for projects that require this) see our legal page.
- For a list of past projects, see our past projects page and our website.